Pre & Post sales

Elevate Your Lead Journey :
Pre Sales CRM

Welcome to a new era of lead management with Mak SoftBox's Pre Sales CRM. Crafted to invigorate every facet of your lead lifecycle,
this dynamic toolkit redefines engagement, nurturing, and conversion.

Engage & Nurture :

Craft personalized communication resonating with prospects' needs. Seamlessly guide them through the sales funnel, ensuring no valuable lead goes unnoticed.

Automated Precision :

Strategically cultivate leads with automated follow-ups, leaving no room for missed opportunities. A comprehensive lead interaction view empowers effective conversion strategies.

Seamless Communication :

Experience unified communication spanning emails, calls, WhatsApp, and call records. Post-booking, customers receive a unique link that streamlines the agreement process, allowing even photos to be seamlessly integrated into agreements, thereby minimizing errors.

Loan Sanctions & Progress Updates :

Access loan sanction details, architect letters, demand letters, and site progress reports directly from the software. Automated emails ensure transparent communication.

Navigating the Post-Sale Landscape :
Mak SoftBox's Solution

Experience seamless post-sale operations with Mak SoftBox's Post Sales CRM. Streamlining agreement management and milestones,
this solution fosters transparent communication and nurtures lasting client relationships.

Simplify Agreements :

Effortlessly manage agreements and receive automated milestone updates. Transition to a paperless documentation system, enhancing client connections.

Strengthen Client Connections :

Continual refinement based on client insights enhances engagement. Identify areas for growth and evolve customer relations for unmatched satisfaction.